Monterey Peninsula, California 5/2024

Images from a trip to the Monterey, California area.

Aloe, National Marine Sanctuary, Monterey Peninsula, California 5/16/2024 Aloe, National Marine Sanctuary, Monterey Peninsula, California 5/16/2024
Aloe Plants, National Marine Sanctuary, Monterey Peninsula, California 5/16/2024 Aloe Plants, National Marine Sanctuary, Monterey Peninsula, California 5/16/2024
Ice Plant, Rocky Point, Monterey Peninsula, California 5/15/2024 Ice Plant, Rocky Point, Monterey Peninsula, California 5/15/2024
Pride of Madeira Plant Detail, Rocky Point, Monterey Peninsula, California 5/15/2024 Pride of Madeira Plant Detail, Rocky Point, Monterey Peninsula, California 5/15/2024
Pride of Madeira Plant, Rocky Point, Monterey Peninsula, California 5/16/2024 Pride of Madeira Plant, Rocky Point, Monterey Peninsula, California 5/16/2024
Pride of Madeira Plant, Rocky Point, Monterey Peninsula, California 5/15/2024 Pride of Madeira Plant, Rocky Point, Monterey Peninsula, California 5/15/2024
Purple Ice Plant, National Marine Sanctuary, California 5/17/2024 Purple Ice Plant, National Marine Sanctuary, California 5/17/2024
Morning, Pacific Ocean from National Marine Sanctuary, Monterey, California 5/15/2024 Morning, Pacific Ocean from National Marine Sanctuary, Monterey, California 5/15/2024
From Point Joe, 17 Mile Drive, Pebble Beach, California 5/16/2024 From Point Joe, 17 Mile Drive, Pebble Beach, California 5/16/2024
From Pescadero Point, 17 Mile Drive, Pebble Beach, California 5/16/2024 From Pescadero Point, 17 Mile Drive, Pebble Beach, California 5/16/2024
Sea Fig, 17 Mile Drive, Pebble Beach, California 5/16/2024 Sea Fig, 17 Mile Drive, Pebble Beach, California 5/16/2024
Lone Pine Peak, 1/23/2024
Lone Pine Peak, Lone Pine, California 1/24/2023 Lone Pine Peak, Lone Pine, California 1/24/2023

Another view of Lone Pine Peak from January this year. I removed the “LP,” which remained in the earlier picture I posted (see below), from this image. My understanding is each year’s graduating Lone Pine high school class white-wash “LP” and their graduation on the side of the hill. Honest photography would probably require I leave it in. To leave or not to leave, either seems valid to me.

75 Seconds at Watson Lake, Prescott, Arizona 2/22/2024
75 Seconds at Watson Lake, Prescott, Arizona 2/22/2024 75 Seconds at Watson Lake, Prescott, Arizona 2/22/2024

75 Seconds at Watson Lake, Prescott, Arizona 2/22/2024

We’ve all seen images with blurry or almost invisible people in them because someone moved during the exposure. The longer the exposure the more distorted, blurry, and odd-looking moving things become. Long exposure photography can exploit this to give us “surreal” images of water appearing to have a solid, mirror-like finish and cause clouds to look like long, white streaks in the sky while rocks and other non-moving objects remain sharp and in focus.

Digital Photography School has a good intro to long exposure photography you might be interested in, and a search on Google will find many more articles and tutorials on the subject.

Alabama Hills, Death Valley, Lake Mead 1/23/2024-1/25/2024

Photos from a short trip to the Alabama Hills, across Death Valley, past Lake Mead and home. The weather forecast was partly cloudy (good for pictures) with no mention of snow (good, too), so took the long way home from a visit to the LA area.

Rock Formation, Alabama Hills, Lone Pine, California 1/22/2024 Rock Formation, Alabama Hills, Lone Pine, California 1/22/2024

Rock Formation, Alabama Hills National Scenic Area, Lone Pine, California 1/22/2024

Eastern Sierra from the Alabama Hills, Lone Pine, California 1/22/2024 Eastern Sierra from the Alabama Hills, Lone Pine, California 1/22/2024

Eastern Sierra from the Alabama Hills National Scenic Area, Lone Pine, California 1/22/2024

Lone Pine Peak, Lone Pine, California 1/23/2024 Lone Pine Peak, Lone Pine, California 1/23/2024

Lone Pine Peak, Lone Pine, California 1/23/2024

This isn’t an original idea for a photo, it’s a souvenir I made while visiting the location of the famous photograph made in 1944 by Ansel Adams titled “Winter Sunrise, Sierra Nevada from Lone Pine.” I’ve been to this location several times but the picture–with clouds against a dark sky, bright sunlight on the mountains with the foreground hills in shadows–never came together until this trip.

I did a search on Google for “Adams Winter Sunrise” and Google returned about 700,000 results, so lots of information about the print is out there if you are interested.

Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes, Death Valley National Park, California 1/24/2024 Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes, Death Valley National Park, California 1/24/2024

Mesquite Flat Sand Dunes, Death Valley National Park, California 1/24/2024

Willow Beach, Lake Mead National Recreation Area, Arizona 1/25/2024 Willow Beach, Lake Mead National Recreation Area, Arizona 1/25/2024

Willow Beach, Lake Mead National Recreation Area, Arizona 1/25/2024